April 2022

Upcoming Events!

Take a look at our upcoming events! We've updated our schedule for May until June adding Nature Tours, Healing Drum Circles, and Native Stories!

Celebrate Earth Day!

Celebrate Earth Day! Take time today, as individuals and a community, to consider the impacts we have on our world.

It’s That Time of Year!

It's that time of year called Early Spring! It's also our salad time of year. Come follow us on our nature/plant tour and walk away with a vast knowledge of foraging for edible/medicinal/utilitarian valued plants/fungi.

Help us Help You!

By taking this survey we will better be able to serve our community and it's needs. We will better know what our customers interests are and will be able mold our courses/events to fit those needs. Our ultimate goal is helping people connect with to with themselves.

Native American Storytelling with Grandmother Nancy

Native American Storytelling with Grandmother Nancy Join us for a special evening of Native American Storytelling with Grandmother Nancy. She will be sharing the traditional stories of the First Nations

Grandma Nancy’s Traditional Native Teachings!

Here are Grandmother Nancy’s Traditional Native Teachings for the month of April: Native American Storytelling with Grandma Nancy Thursday April 7th, 14th, and 21st at 7pm. Feather Teachings April 28th,