Never give up! No matter what. Life may seem hard at times but remember that your Mother and Father Love You! I’m not talking about your biological parent’s or guardians, other family, or friends. I’m talking about your Earth Mother and your Father the Sun, who brings us new light everyday, so our Mother Earth can provide new daily life.
If you are feeling down, know that she feels you as much as you feel Her. So does He! Maybe this sounds like crazy talk, and maybe you should come for a walk with us. It never hurts to reach out, take a walk with us, and talk to us about your feelings. All you have to do is ask. We can help in more ways than one.
Most importantly, we will help find your way back to your Mother, Earth.
Eco Acres will be at Catherine’s Butterfly Party this Saturday from 12pm to 4pm. We would love to see you there and help support. Give us a visit! Journey on!