All posts tagged: Survival

Harvest Moon Education Festival

Come join us at Rowanwood Farm for the Harvest Moon Educational Festival (Sep 9 - 11): a weekend of practice, training and sharing, full of lectures, demos, and workshop time. We will start Friday, Sep 9th at 4 pm and run through Sun, Sep 11th, ending by 7 pm. Currently committed workshops include: fire by friction story and demo, martial arts program, llama meets and greets/farm education, astronomy program, plant tours and more! (Check back for updates.) Participants will also have time to work on any traditional or outdoor skill they choose, so bring any on-going skills and projects (if you have them). Work alongside each other by the stream, use the flint knapping pit, practice tracking in the sand, help caretake a working rescue llama farm, or you may work on a Eco Acres school project with us. (Projects may include creating giant burnout containers, demo traps, and more.) Come spend the weekend and experience more with us (and our growing list of partners).

Never Give Up!

Never give up! No matter what. Life may seem hard at times but remember that your Mother and Father Love You! I'm not talking about your biological parent's or guardians, other family or friends. I'm talking about your Earth Mother and your Father the Sun, who brings us new light everyday so our Mother can provide new life.

Let Her Flow Free!

Let her flow free! Our media vine is growing larger. Please check out some of our stories, photos and videos!

Upcoming Events!

Take a look at our upcoming events! We've updated our schedule for May until June adding Nature Tours, Healing Drum Circles, and Native Stories!

It’s That Time of Year!

It's that time of year called Early Spring! It's also our salad time of year. Come follow us on our nature/plant tour and walk away with a vast knowledge of foraging for edible/medicinal/utilitarian valued plants/fungi.

Help us Help You!

By taking this survey we will better be able to serve our community and it's needs. We will better know what our customers interests are and will be able mold our courses/events to fit those needs. Our ultimate goal is helping people connect with to with themselves.

Please Don’t Let Them Fly!

Please don’t let them fly! No matter the celebration. Whether it’s a birthday, a graduation or a get well ceremony. When your balloons fly away they end up in our

March of The Ticks!

March of the ticks! It’s getting warmer, spring is around the corner! If you believe the weather is getting nicer, chances are, they do too! This was my leg last

Check Out Our Spring Schedule!

Check out our spring schedule! More coming soon! As the weather warms up so does our schedule. Look for our Nature Tours now as a great place to begin your journey.

Snow Bear!

The kids at Field & Stream Built a snow bear during recess so I felt everyone could use some snow bear medicine! The exercise for the day was about tracking