All posts tagged: walking

Never Give Up!

Never give up! No matter what. Life may seem hard at times but remember that your Mother and Father Love You! I'm not talking about your biological parent's or guardians, other family or friends. I'm talking about your Earth Mother and your Father the Sun, who brings us new light everyday so our Mother can provide new life.

Let Her Flow Free!

Let her flow free! Our media vine is growing larger. Please check out some of our stories, photos and videos!

Help us Help You!

By taking this survey we will better be able to serve our community and it's needs. We will better know what our customers interests are and will be able mold our courses/events to fit those needs. Our ultimate goal is helping people connect with to with themselves.

Please Don’t Let Them Fly!

Please don’t let them fly! No matter the celebration. Whether it’s a birthday, a graduation or a get well ceremony. When your balloons fly away they end up in our

Check Out Our Spring Schedule!

Check out our spring schedule! More coming soon! As the weather warms up so does our schedule. Look for our Nature Tours now as a great place to begin your journey.

Website Updates

Just an update everyone! We will have some of our classes up on the calendar come this spring! We’ve been making the website easier to navigate, along with bringing you